Rooted Kickoff begins in April...but we believe this is so vital in your walk with Jesus and the health of The Bridge, that we are asking you to clear space in your calendar now and invest by answering the question, "Who shows the way?"
What is Rooted?
Think of Rooted as a personal journey – a journey with the goal of deepening your connection with God, His Church and your purpose in the big, epic story He is writing through human history.
Rooted is a catalyst for life-change that provokes questions and conversations and offers bonding in small group experiences (8-12 people) designed to give you a glimpse of your story in God’s story.
Rooted is a 10-week experience that is most effective if every participant attends weekly and misses no more than two meetings.
This is one of the most important Connection opportunities here at The Bridge Church NW and is your entry point into a Life Group.
KICKOFF - Sunday, April 7 @ 5:30 p.m.
Facilitators - Bob & Stephanie Johnson
Meeting @ the Ministry Center